Empress White & Platinum Home / Dinnerware / Platinum & Silver Banded Dinner Service / Empress White & Platinum / Aynsley China Empress Platinum Dessert plate Aynsley China Empress Platinum Dessert plate Aynsley China Empress Platinum Dessert plate £74.00 £61.67 (ex. VAT) Stock Status: In Stock This Elegant hand decorated, dessert plate 21cm creates a stunning table setting for beautiful occasions.its uses is for sweets and desserts, it could be double up as a starter plate as well. Information Reviews Aynsley China Empress Platinum Dessert PlateWeight: 0.36Kg Diameter Size: 8.25nch / 21cm Product: English Fine Bone China Country of Origin: England Ships 1-2 working days Maufacturers: Aynsley ChinaHandwash OnlyProduct Code: EWPT00003 Customer reviews No reviews left yet Write A Review Sort byMost RecentTop Rated No reviews have been left for this product, be the first to leave a review