Zauberflote Sarastro
Exquisite Rosenthal dinnerware "Zauberflöte" ("Magic Flute"). It is produced using the finest porcelain creating a style that is best described as formal and elegant. An Opera in Porcelain Music plays an important part in the life of the Danish artist and designer Björn Wiinblad. His creations are strongly influenced by his love of music. "Zauberflöte" is a masterpiece in porcelain craftsmanship. Every piece of the service depicts a different scene from the Mozart opera. "Zauberflöte" by Björn Wiinblad is an opera dream in porcelain, an imaginative and unique synthesis of music and table culture. "Zauberflöte" is available in white and also in precious gold named "Sarastro". This elegant dinnerware collection includes Rosenthal Studio-Line Zauberflote Sarastro Dessert Plate 22cm
Pattern:Rosenthal Studio Line Zauberflote Sarastro
Year Of Introduction:1990
Type:Dessert Plate 22cm
Brand:Rosenthal Studio-Line
Manufacturer:Rosenthal China
Country Of Origin:Germany
Delivery Lead Time:3 to 4 Weeks for Delivery If Out of Stock
Product Code:11260-206503-10219